Site Flip - Flipping Web Sites, Web Pages and Domains

Site Flip is the Web's first blog dedicated to the business of flipping websites! Flipping means buying a website, improving it, and finally selling the website for a profit.

Site Flip: Buying and Selling Websites for Profit

Friday, July 07, 2006

Yahoo Flips Network. Who knew Yahoo Site Flipped?

While researching the history of site flipping, I've found that Yahoo! is a player in the industry. If you enjoy the read, consider my free newsletter.

Of course, everyone knows that Yahoo! bought out in order to use its social bookmarking behavioral stuff in its algorithms. But who knew that Yahoo! had bought out

The hat-tip goes to Darren Rowse for the tip-off that was for sale. The Problogger also mentioned it was a "renovator's" project, and I disagree with him there. At $2500+ dollars of loss, it obviously wasn't a project for the beginning or independant Site Flipper, which is what felt implied there.

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